
Tuesday July 2nd - Wednesday July 3rd
A small container ship

The German coast is shallow here. The sea lane is far from the shore and you can see the land only as a shadow in the horizon. Outside Bremerhaven we come to a ship anchorage. You can see from that there are a dozen ships waiting for something at all times. Sailing between them is an experience with a small sailing boat.

Our timing was lukcly. When we came to Cuxhaven the direction of the tide was on our side and the 3 knot current helped us along. If the current had been against us, it would have taken the whole night to get to the Kiel canal. Now we arrived at Brunsbüttel, the other end of the Kiel canal on Wednesday, July 3rd. The sun had already set when we ventured through the first lock in the dark.

A mystery ship
3 knot current
First Kiel Canal lock

Hamburg VII 2013